AGM - Saturday 22nd September 2018

Clubs are only successful with a team of volunteers behind it. Without the dedication of these volunteers, football clubs as we know them would not exist, including the Berwick Junior Football Club.

This Saturday is our Annual General Meeting. We invite all members to come down and see how the club is run behind the scenes and all that the Committee do, so that your son or daughter can take to the field each week.

Bring the kids along, as we will have some activities set up for them on the oval and sausages will be hot on the BBQ!!

There are still a few positions to be filled for 2019, so head over to our website under "policies" to have a read of the job descriptions. (

Your attendance at the meeting does not automatically make you Committee Member, so please come and show your support for the past year and for season 2019.

AGM - Saturday 22nd September 10am for 10:30am start at Arch Brown Reserve.

"Volunteers don't get paid because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS"


HEADCHECK - AFL Recommended app

HeadCheck™ has been designed by leading child concussion experts at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, in collaboration with The Royal Children’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne to help parents and coaches recognise the signs and symptoms of concussion in children and adolescents. 

HeadCheck dynamically guides a coach or parent through a series of concise questions, to quickly assist in recognising symptoms of concussion in your child. HeadCheck uses the latest in concussion research from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.

HeadCheck is an information tool only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, mitigate, compensate or alleviate concussion.

You can read more information here: click here

BJFC strongly encourage all coaching staff, first aiders, parents and supporters to download the app which is available on both iTunes and Google Play.
